
Reviews of My Fight With Hospice by Andrew Weitzen

Hi Andy,

I just finished reading My Fight With Hospice. It felt more like having a conversation with you than reading about you and your beautiful Mom. Your ability to share what you experienced is so very touching and heartfelt. I hope you will touch many hearts and continue to question and heal and find peace with missing her.



Your book has been haunting me for the last three days. Can we get together to talk about it.

Sonda Dawes


I am having so much fun reading your book. I love it. You write like Hemmingway.

Barbara Beatty

See the Following Reviews on Amazon

Erin H. King
4.0 out of 5 stars
but with Why I Hate Hospice, I felt I had to

It is rare that I read a book in one sitting, but with Why I Hate Hospice, I felt I had to. It is compelling because it is so honest, so raw. Andrew Weitzen makes it clear from the outset that he is writing not to condemn any of the individuals who cared for his mother (indeed, he often praises them for their good intentions, and their commitment to a physically and emotionally taxing profession). Instead, he is trying to shine a light on a system that in his experience seemed to be focused on providing a one-size-fits-all approach, despite claiming to be tailored to individual needs; a system where those in authority shut down his questions, despite claiming to be patient- and family-centered.

His emphasis on the difference between palliative care and end-of-life care is eye opening.

I hope that this book helps others to demand, and obtain, better care for themselves or for someone they love. I am guessing that is how Mr. Weitzen would consider it a success.

Isabella R.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Hospice deprives vulnerable patients of basic care, choose life!

WOW, this is very similar to what I am experiencing!!!! Thank you, Andrew, for putting in writing your raw thoughts and feelings about your mother’s experience living with cancer under hospice care. My husband has bladder cancer with metastases that are treatable in the palliative setting, yet the doctors gave a false and misleading prognosis and encouraged hospice care I. The comfort of the home. Yet, there has been very little comfort as we have watched him change rapidly because of the increase i create in opiates (I have refused all other drugs in their “comfort care” cocktail. He had seizures and muscle spasm, and couldn’t talk after the first night of the drugs. I told the nurse and she said it was the cancer in his brain. I argued with her. But my husband was already hooked and he said his pain was a 10. Every day he wakes up during his supposed quality time at home with his family and is sad that he didn’t die, because that’s what they told him that he would be kept comfortable, knocked out and he would die. I love my husband and I can’t euthanize him, or give him drugs to cause his starvation. God knows the number of his days and the manner of his death. This is not for me or hospice care to decide. I hired hospice three days ago. They have been storming in and out my house Eder since, telling me what is best for my husband, and refusing to provide even the most basic care for his catheter. Tomorrow I will fire them, and take your advise, Andrew to find doctors that will help. I will choose life for my husband.

5.0 out of 5 stars
Definitely can relate!

My dad is being starved to death as we speak. He was diagnosed with Alzeimers about 2 mos.ago and he is 85 years old. He's as healthy as a horse but one day he had to be put in to the hospital because he stopped eating. He failed a swallow test and because of that Hospice was called in. They didn't give my dad a chance to recover. My mom and siblings immediately agreed to making him comfortable. They gave up on him getting better. The priest came and a few hours later my Dad woke up wanting icecream. Asking me to get him a Coke . He was enjoying every bite. Had he been nourished intravenously up until this point I know he would've gained the strength to eat on his own. So now two weeks later I am asking why is this allowed at all. Its inhumane to watch someone physically die. I can't bear to see him disinigreat and suffer anymore. I have three dogs and I wouldn't do this to you them. Why is this acceptable? My dad is not comfortable. He's just too weak to tell us. My siblings and my mom are now saying this is what the doctor suggested was best. This is a form of euthanasia.

Lisa De La Ossa
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great points made

Moving book. I have experience in this area as well with hospice. I feel the same way he feels. They should only have patients qualify if they are shutting down and there are no more options. The problem is that they take people who may not be hospice worthy and then treat them like they already have one foot in the grave. I not a fan of hospice unless the patient is actively dying.

Mary Alice Melwak
5.0 out of 5 stars
Everyone considering hospice should read this!

Wonderful truthful overview of the horrors of hospice in the US. Everyone should read this prior to being forced into this type of care. They kill more than they help.

Vasanthi Vanniasingham
5.0 out of 5 stars
Must read book for anyone considering hospice

This book and the clarity with which it is written is remarkable!

Enlightening and highly informative. Succinct recommendable read for anyone considering hospice for a loved one.

Andrew summarizes and highlights salient points making them easily accessible through the tapestry of his mother’s story and his journey with her through her illness.

I’d say it’s a must read as the facts may help navigate a more positive end of life experience through well informed choices.

I checked it out for a client who was distraught over final hospice ‘ care’ her mother received.. Wish I had read it earlier and shared it with others sooner.

V. Vanniasingham, PhD ( Cantab.)
NCCAOM Board Certified
Acupuncture Physician

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