
My Fight With Hospice by Andrew Weitzen

A Family Caring for Mom, Witness to the Misuse of Prescription Drugs

This is the official website for the book My Fight With Hospice by Andrew Weitzen. An unsual book. A story of devotion, family, struggle, and resolution.

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This is a book every caregiver and medical professional needs to read.

I just sat down and read your book cover to cover.
It is unique.
Touching. Beautiful. Reflective. Cautionary. Homage.

~ Philip Schwartz

This is a short, easy-to-read story of life and death, family and community, health and medicine, and systemic, societal problems. This is a cautionary tale. If you would ask my sisters, and many others, they would say Hospice was wonderful. People want to believe what the professionals are doing is the right thing to do. I saw things differently. May this book keep your eyes open.

Your book is a brilliant case study. ... You have meticulously described your mother's symptoms after taking specific drugs. ... Your conclusions that her death and suffering were both from those drugs, not cancer, is convincing and horrifying."

~ Ann Cassin

I wrote this book because I was dismayed by problems in medical care. This is an eyewitness account. If someone puts these institutions on trial, this is a testimony.

This is the first book I have read cover to cover in some time. The matter-of-fact style is refreshing. It will be interesting to see whom the audience will be; those preparing for the future, those coping in the present, or those trying to make sense of what happened. Perhaps a reader may see themselves. I think this is a wonderful book.

~ Steven Wurgler

My Fight With Hospice cover by Edith Weitzen and Andrew Weitzen

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